How to Blog Effectively

Photo by olia danilevich on

To be successful in content creation, you must learn how to blog effectively.

Before we can answer the question of Blogging Effectively, we need to define the meaning of the word “effective,” and what it means for this article.



1. successful in producing a desired or intended result.

2. fulfilling a specified function in fact, though not formally acknowledged as such.

Google English Dictionary

Based from the definition above, we can say that if we want to blog effectively, it could either mean that our blog would provide the desired result, or it could mean that our blog is able to fulfill a specified function of fact.

From this, I can go on and say that the definition we want is the first one – where in we want to be successful in producing or desired result. With regards to blogging, what is it? It’s producing articles worth reading, that’s what!

Therefore, how can we blog effectively? Here are five tips that can help you be a more effective blogger.

  1. Define your purpose. Before you can start writing, you need to identify what your writing will be for – will it be for entertainment, for sharing information, for driving more sales… By defining your purpose beforehand, you will be able to mold your writing in a manner that will be geared towards your purpose.
  2. Research. Writing off the top of your head is not enough. You need to have sufficient research to back up what you are typing. Information can either be from primary sources, or secondary sources of information. Primary sources are those that provide first hand account of an event, while secondary sources are those that provide interpretation, analysis, or evaluation of primary sources. (Primary and Secondary Sources, UNSW Libary)
  3. Your Titles Matter. If there is something I learned from journalism, is that titles are the key to grabbing your reader’s attention. However, the style of writing titles differ greatly between news writing and article writing, and the same also goes for the titles used for internet matters. I can go on and ramble more about how to write effective titles, but I can set that down for a different article. For now, know this – your titles need to have the keywords, phrases and style needed to not only grab your audience’s attention, but also enable search engines to find and read your site. An article entitled “SEO For Beginners” can fare better compared to a title with “Improving your Blog,” or something.
  4. The Introduction is Key. People are busy, and not a lot of them will have time to read an article that does not catch their attention. Therefore, to do this, you have to make them care about your writing as early as the first line of your article. If not, the rest of your article will be read by crickets.
  5. Blog Consistently. Blogging, like any other skill, needs to be polished and built with practice. Keep writing and reading, and learning. It is not an overnight process, rather it will take time and effort.

Do you consider yourself an effective blogger? Did I miss an important point that you wish to contribute? Please let me know in the comments!

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I hope you have a nice day.

Is Blogging Hard?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Blogging is writing. Therefore, the difficulty of maintaining a blog depends upon how much of a writer you are, and how easy it is for you to scrape up ideas for a post.

But what if you can’t write well? I think as long as you can cover the basics and can convey your thoughts and ideas well, you’d make it somehow. The techniques of writing an engaging and well-crafted blog post can come later. We do have to learn to crawl before we can run, right?

Continue reading “Is Blogging Hard?”

Where Did My Words Go?

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For the past few months, I have found myself unable to blog. Not just blogging, but writing in general.

This year’s NANOWRIMO has been one of my lowest word count in a while. It’s not the lack of time that’s the issue here. I am not bogged down by work as I have been in the previous years.

I blame my lack of discipline and dedication.

Continue reading “Where Did My Words Go?”

How to Survive This Pandemic

Before I begin, let’s start by saying that I’m pulling this out of thin air as a way to keep my sanity. There’s no rule book or guide or whatever that I’m pulling this from.

We cool? Alright, let’s do this.

Photo by cottonbro on

To survive, you need to keep in your head that you are not safe. Yes, being complacent about safety will get you killed. Well, in this pandemic’s case, it will get you infected.

Continue reading “How to Survive This Pandemic”

It’s September Already?

Wow… Where’d the year go, eh?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

September, tells me that the year is close to ending, and that my annual creative challenges are approaching. In October, I have the Inktober challenge, and for November, NANOWRIMO.

I am not really ready for both.

I haven’t sketched or inked anything since the last Inktober which I failed marvelously. I mean, hey, daily ink drawings are tough, you know! Well, last year, I did not really had a lot of time, and I had to squeeze drawings between life obligations. Now, I have more time, I just have to have the right discipline.

As for NANOWRIMO, I have learned that when writing stories, it is very important to have characters ready. I mean, stories are events that are happening to characters, right? So, if I have characters with traits and appearances ready, I might have a shot. As for settings and things, I’m thinking of re-purposing my attempt for last year, and see if I can fix up a better draft than I did last year. Last year, I saw myself writing a story that did not seem exciting. It was a story, just not a good enough story. I wrote it up until I found myself stuck in a deep hole and could not find a plot device to pull myself out of the crap that I put myself in. I really need to be a better story writer, you know? Well, short stories, I can do – but it is a whole new ballgame when we are dealing with long form writing such as novels.

Thanks to the global pandemic, I can’t believe that the year is so close to ending. Frankly, if this is what 2020 has, I hope that our timeline starts to get better by 2021.

For the Philippines, September also marks the start of Christmas. Well, not really the start of real celebrations, but it’s when you’d start hearing Christmas songs off the radio and from the mall’s sound system. People will not look at you funny if you even hang your decors this early. But if you do, what will you do with your Halloween decors, eh?


How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well.

See you around, and have a nice day!

How Are You All Doing?

“Let Me Out!” – Our cat stays at home, too.

Tomorrow marks the start of a more lenient community quarantine measure in our country. I don’t know if that is a good idea, but at least more people will be able to work and get on with their lives.

The virus infections seems to be under control. Probably.

Continue reading “How Are You All Doing?”

An Amusing Turn of Stats Event

Screenshot_2020-04-28 Stats and Insights ‹ Jomz Ojeda’s Blog — WordPress com

I know this is nothing to be completely happy about – it just means that my blog – which has usually been flying under the radar, must have caught the eyes of a bunch of spambots.

Since I have no new comments in my notifications, I guess I should be thankful that the Spam filter is working as it should be.

But still, it’s funny, and I got a good chuckle out of it. Look at how my blog has performed for the past few days — then suddenly, BOOM!

This reminded me of that post Jim Borden made on his blog,  The Day My WordPress Stats Went Wild. It’s amusing to see such performance out of our blog, eh? Outstanding!

Screenshot_2020-04-28 Stats and Insights ‹ Jomz Ojeda’s Blog — WordPress com(1)

Anyway, my suspicions were mostly confirmed when I saw where most of the views were from. Hahaha…

Well, anyway, that’s all for now. I hope you are having a good day today. Stay safe!

If you like this blog, and the things I post here, I highly recommend that you follow me here. If my current post has not convinced you yet that it is a good idea to follow me, please take a look at my past content and decided then.

See you around, and have a nice day!

What Have You Been Up To?

To help fight the spread of COVID, staying indoors, and away from human interaction is the best we normal human beings can do.

crowd reflection color toy
Photo by Markus Spiske on

Our work has been on rotation running on a skeletal workforce, and last week was my scheduled off days.

Continue reading “What Have You Been Up To?”