Learning to Build Skills

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One of my issues with the education system is that we are forced to learn something which we do not feel we need.

However, looking back on it now, that is the logic of a narrow-minded fool of a youth who failed to see the bigger picture.

Take mathematics, like algebra. In accounting, people see that you only need the basic arithmetic functions of adding, subtracting, and the occasional multiplication and division. Who needs to know algebra, right?

Continue reading “Learning to Build Skills”

How to Blog Effectively

Photo by olia danilevich on Pexels.com

To be successful in content creation, you must learn how to blog effectively.

Before we can answer the question of Blogging Effectively, we need to define the meaning of the word “effective,” and what it means for this article.



1. successful in producing a desired or intended result.

2. fulfilling a specified function in fact, though not formally acknowledged as such.

Google English Dictionary

Based from the definition above, we can say that if we want to blog effectively, it could either mean that our blog would provide the desired result, or it could mean that our blog is able to fulfill a specified function of fact.

From this, I can go on and say that the definition we want is the first one – where in we want to be successful in producing or desired result. With regards to blogging, what is it? It’s producing articles worth reading, that’s what!

Therefore, how can we blog effectively? Here are five tips that can help you be a more effective blogger.

  1. Define your purpose. Before you can start writing, you need to identify what your writing will be for – will it be for entertainment, for sharing information, for driving more sales… By defining your purpose beforehand, you will be able to mold your writing in a manner that will be geared towards your purpose.
  2. Research. Writing off the top of your head is not enough. You need to have sufficient research to back up what you are typing. Information can either be from primary sources, or secondary sources of information. Primary sources are those that provide first hand account of an event, while secondary sources are those that provide interpretation, analysis, or evaluation of primary sources. (Primary and Secondary Sources, UNSW Libary)
  3. Your Titles Matter. If there is something I learned from journalism, is that titles are the key to grabbing your reader’s attention. However, the style of writing titles differ greatly between news writing and article writing, and the same also goes for the titles used for internet matters. I can go on and ramble more about how to write effective titles, but I can set that down for a different article. For now, know this – your titles need to have the keywords, phrases and style needed to not only grab your audience’s attention, but also enable search engines to find and read your site. An article entitled “SEO For Beginners” can fare better compared to a title with “Improving your Blog,” or something.
  4. The Introduction is Key. People are busy, and not a lot of them will have time to read an article that does not catch their attention. Therefore, to do this, you have to make them care about your writing as early as the first line of your article. If not, the rest of your article will be read by crickets.
  5. Blog Consistently. Blogging, like any other skill, needs to be polished and built with practice. Keep writing and reading, and learning. It is not an overnight process, rather it will take time and effort.

Do you consider yourself an effective blogger? Did I miss an important point that you wish to contribute? Please let me know in the comments!

If you wish to support me, aside from following this blog, please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page, or drop by my redbubble shop.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

I hope you have a nice day.

How to Get Over a Loss

It’s easy – forget about it and move on.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Not to sound over simplistic, but I guess that is the only way to which we can continue living.

You lost, you screwed up, you are a loser. Fine.

But if you stay down and give up, you continue to be, and will forever be a loser.

I lost an important item, and I grieved over it. I was devastated and very much down. I can’t say that it was an easy process for me, it was very hard. I screwed up.

But if I want to continue moving forward, I have to push it aside – or in this case, push that memory deep down, and forget about it.

Lesson learned, move on.

Thanks for reading.

If you like this post, please follow my blog. I don’t usually post depressing things like my previous post. I used to cover literary things related to writing, but I find that I am not much of a novel writer. Probably just a short story writer. I do dabble in photography and videography, so I suggest you follow me on instagram if you want to see some of my works.

See you later.

If You Can’t Write- Read!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Last year, I was very disappointed with myself with how I was not able to progress that much with NANOWRIMO. I also was not writing that much.

Looking back on what I have been doing – it was not so much as a lack of time, it was more of a lack of discipline. I was spending way too much time doing other things other than writing.

Well, to be fair to myself, I pursued film making more last year, rather than writing. I learned video editing and videography. We even invested in a professional-quality (though not state-of-the-art) camera that can take good videos. Film making on a smartphone can be a good form of practice, but there are a lot of limitations that a gear upgrade could solve. In any case, I did mention in this blog a couple of times that I ended up being the cameraman/producer for my wife’s youtube channel.

Is it really that hard to write?

Continue reading “If You Can’t Write- Read!”

I Got Scammed. I Did Not Think This Could Happen To Me – But It Did

I got baited to a scam, and fed them my credit card details.

a man in red shirt covering his face
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Everything happened so fast, I’m happy that I somehow began digging as soon as I hit the “Process Order” Button. However, it might be too late.

Continue reading “I Got Scammed. I Did Not Think This Could Happen To Me – But It Did”

Five Perks to Wearing a Face Mask

face mask on red background
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Wearing a face mask in public has been mandatory in light of the pandemic plaguing the world.

To some, it is seemed as a restraint to freedom. How can one breathe free when there is a piece of cloth plastered to their face, right? Yeah, well that free air might be rather infectious with something that is not freedom.

Anyway, aside from the rather obvious reason that face masks help prevent the infection of the virus, here are five additional reasons why wearing a face mask is not all that bad. Continue reading “Five Perks to Wearing a Face Mask”

What If You Don’t Feel Like Posting Today?

man person relaxation steps
Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

Let’s face it, as creators, we know that regular content can rake in viewers and visitors, and the more viewers and visitors we have, the more “successful” our blogs become. Therefore, we have this constant nagging in our minds that we have to always have something up our sleeves so our readers can have something worth their while.

It is good for the handful of pros who have a schedule or calendar of things to post. It is just a matter of building a habit of having content ready to go, for the masses who are struggling to craft something, it can be a struggle.

Continue reading “What If You Don’t Feel Like Posting Today?”

What to do with Blogger’s Block?

man with hand on temple looking at laptop
Photo by bruce mars on Pexels.com

Hello everyone, how are you all doing?

It has been more than a week since my last blog post, and I am fearful to say that I might be losing my blogging habit.

I have fallen back into being fearful of what to post, hesitant on what to write, and have been repeatedly deleting what I have initially written.

I guess NANOWRIMO has taken from me more than just my time, eh?

Then again, work has been hectic. It is the end of the year and well, end of the year is the peak season for work. Most of the time, I just felt drained and exhausted, and out of energy to craft some good blog post worthy of your time to read.

So here I am again, breaking the Blogger’s Block, so I can get back into writing again. This is perhaps one of the benefits of having a personal blog. I can write what is in my mind, without worrying much that this will stray from the theme and content of the blog.

Continue reading “What to do with Blogger’s Block?”

Writing a Draft? Five Tips to Just Keep Writing

person using silver macbook pro
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

I stumbled upon a great writing tip on reddit yesterday. It’s an old tip to most writers, but to novices like me, it is an eye-opener. It was a subtle reminder that what I am currently working on is a draft, and it does not matter what it looks like. You know what the tip was?

Just keep writing.

It’s an old mantra. It is something that veteran writers know. However, one of the biggest writing block that halts our progress is a plot wall. The dreaded “what do I do now?” question. Continue reading “Writing a Draft? Five Tips to Just Keep Writing”