Don’t Trust Your Memory

person holding string lights photo
Photo by David Cassolato on

I knew that our memory is fallible. I read articles in the past, similar to this one (“Why does the human brain create false memories?“), that our brain fills in the blanks on things that it thinks to be the most possible.

The other day, I was busy looking for a shelving , which from what we recall consists of three layers, in increasing sizes. It was installed in our living room before we had it remodeled.  I looked everywhere for the longest one. I looked under beds, inside closets, even had the nagging feeling that we might have thrown or given it away. My wife believes that we had them stored.

Did we really have a third shelf? Continue reading “Don’t Trust Your Memory”

Why I Hate Strawberry

Well, not exactly strawberries, the fruit – rather, I have a certain aversion to strawberry-flavored things.


trimox_19491_6_big_It reminds me of one of my most dreaded things when I was a child – medicine.

When I was a kid, I don’t really understand why most of my medicines then were strawberry-flavored. Even the worst anti-biotic suspensions – the ones which have a powdery feel to them, which would even stick to your throat at the risk of gagging you… Ugh… they seem to be always strawberry-flavored.

My worst experience with one of those suspensions was the one that made me feel so awful after drinking it that I think I puked. Why do I say “think”? Well, I can’t exactly remember it clearly for I was very dizzy, and disoriented then.  I was very sick, you know. But yes, the vague memory of those events, coupled with the scent and taste of the strawberry medicine does not give me wonderful cravings for that stuff.

I do not completely hate on the flavor.  I have tried some good strawberry-flavored stuff – like ice cream.  It was delicious.  However, I still try to avoid the chewy, strawberry-flavored candies, for they seem to strongly remind me of the medicine.

Edit: After looking up some photos, I am no longer sure if the Amoxicillin suspension, which I recall as the worst strawberry-flavored medicine I had, is actually strawberry-flavored. I must have associated the pink color with strawberry, making me now hate on strawberry. Ah, the human psychology!